Frequently Asked Questions about:  Joining  |  Benefits  |  Eligibility  |  Financial Aid  | GPA, Withdraws, & Units

Types of Financial Aid at Fullerton College

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Requirements → 

Type of Aid 

Apply through Financial Aid
CA Residency or AB 540 Eligible  Registered in full-time units (DSS exemption, see FAQ below) First-time college student (no attempted college credit after completing high school) Transfer or returning college student Current High School Student
North Orange Promise Fee Waiver X X X X
California College Promise Grant X X
Friends of Fullerton College Foundation Scholarships  X X  X
(receive when registered at FC)
Dual Enrollment or
Special Admit Programs

Promise Frequently Asked Questions

What is the North Orange Promise?

The North Orange Promise is Fullerton College’s name for the first-time student, tuition-free program. The program provides free tuition for first-time college students through financial aid, the California College Promise Grant (CCPG), or AB-19/AB-2 (Assembly Bill No.2). Additionally, Promise Program students receive benefits such as priority and enhanced registration, access to an online community, and more! (see Promise Benefits FAQ).

Who qualifies for the North Orange Promise Program?

To qualify, students must be:

→ First-time college students*

→ California residents**

→ High School graduate or equivalent

* What is a first-time college student?
Students who have not previously earned any college credit after high school graduation. Any college courses that were taken while in high school, as part of dual enrollment, are the only exception.

** What is a California Resident?
California Residency is determined by Admissions and Records. Please refer to the Residency web page for more information. 

Students who are eligible for non-resident tuition exemption through AB540 or SB68. For more information, refer to the Residency web page.

How do I participate or "sign up" for the Promise Program?

1. Submit a Fullerton College application to recieve a Banner ID (student ID number)

2. Complete a financial aid application (FAFSA or CA Dream Act) and next steps if selected for verification

3. Meet with a Fullerton College counselor before registration and again during the first semester (September & February are the best times!) to complete a comprehensive Student Education Plan (SEPP)

4. Enroll full-time (12 or more units) in the fall and spring semesters*

*If you are receiving DSS Services (Disability Support Services), you may be able to enroll in less than 12 units as determined by a DSS counselor.

*CE students who do not start the semester with all 12 units, but accumulate 12+ units throughout the semester are eligible.

5. Sign the Promise Agreement through MyGateway

Please view the eligibility page of the Promise website for specific , how-to steps:

Is there a deadline to sign up for the Promise?

We highly encourage students to complete all steps before the start of their first semester to avoid any issues due to an unpaid balance.

Students with missing steps will not have the North Orange Promise Fee Waiver applied to their account. The student is responsible for any fees on their account until all Promise requirements listed on the Promise Agreement are met. If there is a balance, the system may place an unpaid balance hold which can prevent the student from certain actions such as registering for classes.

Students must meet all qualifications and complete all Promise requirements by the end of the fiscal year, June 30th. For example, if a student’s first semester is Fall 2024 or Spring 2025, they must have all steps complete by June 30th, 2025 to be eligible for the North Orange Promise Fee Waiver and/or receive a refund for paid balances.

After June 30th of each year, audits and reports must be processed and closed out, so additional funding cannot applied after that date.

What are Promise Program Expectations?

→ Maintain full-time enrollment of 12 units per term*.

*If you are receiving DSS Services (Disability Support Services), you may be able to enroll in less than 12 units as determined by a DSS counselor.

*CE students who do not start the semester with all 12 units, but accumulate 12+ units throughout the semester are eligible.

→ Meet with a counselor or special program counselor at least once per semester to review Student Education Plan or as needed after completion of a Comprehensive Student Education Plan. This will ensure students accomplish academic / career / transfer goals in a timely manner.

Follow the courses outlined in their Student Education Plan (SEPP). Failure to do so without approval from a counselor will affect eligibility to participate in the Promise Program. Any changes require meeting with a counselor to ensure continued academic success.

Enroll in math and English courses as designated by Student Education Plan (SEPP) within the first year of college. CE students may not need math and English to complete their certificate as determined by their counselor.

Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for financial aid and North Orange Promise Fee Waiver eligibility.

SAP includes a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA and complete at least 67% of the total units attempted at Fullerton and/or Cypress College.

Check-in with Promise Coaches or Peer Mentors at least twice a semester (Fall, Spring). Promise activities including workshops to support student educational goals, career & transfer seminars, collaborative student support activities, and events offered by the Promise Program count towards two check-ins.

Is the Promise, Anaheim Educational Pledge, and the Fullerton Partnership the same program?

The North Orange Promise encompasses the Anaheim Educational Pledge, Fullerton Partnership, and all 1st-time college students (beginning Fall 2019).

Promise Benefits

What fees does the North Orange Promise Fee Waiver cover?

Your enrollment fees (the cost of classes), which are $46 per unit and the mandatory $21 Health Fee for the Fall/Spring semesters.

What fees are not covered by the Promise Program?

Additional fees such as books, parking permits, course materials or lab fees, Associated Student fees, OCTA Bus Transportation Fee, and Student ID cards are NOT covered by the North Orange Promise Fee Waiver.

Students looking for additional financial support are encouraged to explore scholarships available through the Friends of Fullerton College Foundation

What are "wrap around services"?

  • Guided entry support for first-time college students through the local high school partnerships.
  • Summer START transition program for all first-time college students
  • Specialized Counseling Services
  • Financial Aid Support
  • Priority and Enhanced Registration
  • Access to our online community through Canvas to provide information regarding important deadlines, resources, and more!
  • Personalized one-on-one support through Promise coaches and peer mentors
  • Specialized career & transfer seminars to help you complete your goals in a timely manner
  • Celebrations, social events, engagement & leadership opportunities, and much more!

How long does the North Orange Promise last?

Beginning Fall 2021, the North Orange Promise will be applied for four consecutive Fall and Spring semesters:

Semesters 1 and 2:

Your tuition will be waived once you are Promise Eligible and register for 12 or more units*.

Semesters 3 and 4

You must complete the semester with your Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) in good standing to be eligible for semester 3 and 4. 

Good Standing includes maintaining a 2.0 cumulative GPA and completing 67% or more of all attempted units at Fullerton and/or Cypress College.

Your tuition will be waived upon renewal of your FAFSA or CA Dream Act (including verification) and registering for 12 or more units*.


*If you are receiving DSS Services (Disability Support Services), you may be able to enroll in less than 12 units as determined by a DSS counselor.

*CE students who do not start the semester with all 12 units, but accumulate 12+ units throughout the semester are eligible.

Is Summer / Winter tuition covered under the Promise Program?

The North Orange Promise Fee Waiver does not cover Summer or Winter tuition or Summer health fees. Summer and Winter courses are optional and not required to be eligible for the Promise. Students can take less than 12 units during the Summer / Winter without being disqualified from the Promise Program, but will be responsible for fees.

Summer / Winter grades and completion of units are still factored into SAP requirements. Meet with a counselor to discuss Summer / Winter classes.   

Students who qualify for the California College Promise Grant (formerly known as the BOGW – Board of Governors Fee Waiver) can have their Summer & Winter enrollment fees covered with no unit requirement.

Promise Eligibility

Who qualifies for the North Orange Promise Program?

To qualify, students must be:

→ First-time college students*

→ California residents**

→ High School graduate or equivalent

* What is a first-time college student?
Students who have not previously earned any college credit after high school graduation. Any college courses that were taken while in high school, as part of dual enrollment, are the only exception.

** What is a California Resident?
California Residency is determined by Admissions and Records. Please refer to the Residency web page for more information. 

Students who are eligible for non-resident tuition exemption through AB540 or SB68. For more information, refer to the Residency web page.

Are students who enroll in less than 12 units eligible to participate in the Promise Program?

The student’s first semester must be full-time enrollment of 12 units* or more in order to participate in the Promise Program.

*If you are receiving DSS Services (Disability Support Services), you may be able to enroll in less than 12 units as determined by a DSS counselor.

*CE students who do not start the semester with all 12 units, but accumulate 12+ units throughout the semester are eligible.

Are Career Education (CE) certificates covered by the Promise?

CE students who do not start the semester with all 12 units, but accumulate 12+ units throughout the semester can be eligible for the Promise Program and have fees retroactively paid.

What if I don't start classes until the Spring?

If a student begins their first semester of college in Spring, that will be “semester 1” of the four consecutive semesters the North Orange Promise Fee Waiver covers. 

How do I maintain eligibility in the Promise Program?

→ Maintain full-time enrollment of 12 units per term*.

*If you are receiving DSS Services (Disability Support Services), you may be able to enroll in less than 12 units as determined by a DSS counselor.

*CE students who do not start the semester with all 12 units, but accumulate 12+ units th
roughout the semester are eligible.

→ Meet with a counselor or special program counselor at least once per semester to review Student Education Plan or as needed after completion of a Comprehensive Student Education Plan. This will ensure students accomplish academic / career / transfer goals in a timely manner.

Follow the courses outlined in their Student Education Plan (SEPP). Failure to do so without approval from a counselor will affect eligibility to participate in the Promise Program. Any changes require meeting with a counselor to ensure continued academic success.

Enroll in math and English courses as designated by Student Education Plan (SEPP) within the first year of college. CE students may not need math and English to complete their certificate as determined by their counselor.

Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for financial aid and North Orange Promise Fee Waiver eligibility.

SAP includes a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA and complete at least 67% of the total units attempted at Fullerton and/or Cypress College. Learn more about SAP on the Fullerton College Financial Aid website.

How can I verify that I completed all Promise Eligibility requirements?

If you are a first-time or continuing Promise student, please email with your name, student Banner ID, and your request to verify your Promise status.

Financial Aid and Continuing Eligibility

Does the Promise Program have an income requirement?

There is no income requirement to be eligible for the North Orange Promise Fee Waiver.

The North Orange Promise is a last-dollar scholarship program, which means it will cover any enrollment fees remaining after federal and state aid programs, and private scholarships are applied.

If I know I do not qualify for financial aid, do I still have to complete the FAFSA or CA Dream Act application?

→ Students are required to complete a Financial Aid application to qualify for the Promise benefits.

→ Some students are selected for verification or need to make corrections to complete their financial aid application. Please check your email or My Gateway for any notifications regarding issues with your financial aid application. More information can be found on the financial aid website:

What is the difference between the Promise Program & Promise Grant?

→ The CA College Promise Grant (CCPG, formerly BOG-Fee Waiver) is dependent on family income or other special qualifications. Most Promise Program students qualify for the CCPG, but the CCPG does not have the full-time enrollment requirement. 

→ The Promise Program has additional benefits including dedicated high school outreach support, priority registration, wrap-around services, peer mentors, and much more.

What is the difference between the CCPG and the North Orange Promise Fee Waiver?

The North Orange Promise Fee Waiver covers registration & health fees for students who DO NOT qualify for financial aid or the CCPG and meet the Promise Program eligibility requirements.

North Orange Promise Fee Waiver

CA College Promise Grant (CCPG)

  • Students must complete the FAFSA or CA Dream Act
  • Covers tuition and health fees for students who are “ineligible” for financial aid
  • Students must enroll in 12+ units*
  • Students must complete all Promise Steps
  • The Waiver will pay for registration and health fees for Fall & Spring semesters for two consecutive years

* Students receiving DSS services who are approved to take less than 12 units are excused from the 12-unit requirement.

  • Students must complete the FAFSA or CA Dream Act
  • Covers tuition for students who qualify for financial aid based on family income/special qualifications
  • The CCPG does not cover the health fee (the Promise Fee Waiver will cover the health fee for students who enroll in 12+ units* and are not eligible for other financial aid)
  • CCPG will pay for registration for all semesters, including summer

Does the North Orange Promise Fee Waiver cover any other fees, such as parking or course materials?

Additional fees such as books, parking permits, course materials or lab fees, Associated Student fees, OCTA Transportation Fee, and student ID cards are NOT covered by the North Orange Promise Fee Waiver.

Students looking for additional financial support are encouraged to explore scholarships available through the Friends of Fullerton College Foundation

Is Summer or Winter tuition covered under the Promise Program?

The North Orange Promise Fee Waiver does not cover summer or winter tuition or health fees. Summer/Winter is optional and not required to be eligible for the Promise. Students can take less than 12 units during the Summer/Winter without being disqualified from the Promise Program, but will be responsible for fees.

Summer/Winter grades and completion of units are still factored into SAP requirements. Meet with a counselor to discuss Summer/Winter classes.   

Students who qualify for the California Promise Grant (CCPG) can have their Summer & Winter enrollment fees covered with no unit requirement.

II have completed all of the required steps. Why do I still see fees on my account?

 The North Orange Promise Fee Waiver is only applied at the beginning and end of each semester. Students with missing Promise steps are advised to pay their account balance to avoid holds or being dropped from courses (beginning Fall 2023). if you did complete all Promise steps, do not pay and contact Promise ASAP.

Students who pay for their fees and are expecting the North Orange Promise Fee Waiver can be reimbursed by check after the NOP Waiver is applied to their account. 

A remaining balance after the North Orange Promise Fee Waiver covers enrollment and health fees may represent optional fees selected after registering for classes.

If I already paid, and I have completed all of the required steps, when will I get a refund?

As long as you remain eligible, refunds will begin two weeks after the add/drop deadline or after the Winter break.

→ If you qualify for financial aid or the CCPG, contact Financial Aid about financial aid disbursement.

→ If you do not qualify for financial aid and are receiving the North Orange Promise Fee Waiver, contact the Promise Program for questions about your refund. 

The North Orange Promise is a last-dollar scholarship program, which means it will cover any enrollment fees remaining after federal and state aid programs, and private scholarships are applied.

I have a hold on my account and cannot register. What do I do?

Students can have different types of holds on their account. Login to MyGateway and click on “Check for Holds” under the registration tools section. 

If it is an unpaid balance hold, the next step is to check what the balance is. From MyGateway, search for  “Account Summary by Term”. This provides a breakdown of fees and charges for each semester you are registered and can help identify where the unpaid balance is coming from. 

If you are expecting the North Orange Promise Fee Waiver and have not received it, you may be missing an eligibility step or not meeting the 2.0+ GPA / 67% requirement. Contact Promise for further assistance at

Completing Units, GPA, and Withdrawing Units

What if I drop below 12 units before the add/drop deadline (census)?

If it is your first semester, you would not be eligible for the North Orange Promise and will be held responsible to pay for all fees.

If it is semester 2, 3, or 4 and you are below 12 units*, please contact the Promise team ASAP. The North Orange Promise Program does not allow for gap semesters, meaning you must be at least part-time to remain eligible for Promise Program in future semesters. 

*If you are receiving DSS Services (Disability Support Services), you may be able to enroll in less than 12 units as determined by a DSS counselor.

*CE students who do not start the semester with all 12 units, but accumulate 12+ units throughout the semester are eligible.

If I withdraw from units after the add/drop deadline (census), do I have to make up those units to stay eligible?

Maybe.  You need to maintain Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) to stay eligible and unit completion may affect that.  Before withdrawing from classes, talk to your professor and a Fullerton College Counselor. View the Financial Aid publications for more details about SAP.

What happens if I fail a course in the first or second semester of the program?

If a Promise student receives an “F” grade and it drops their cumulative GPA below a 2.0, then the student would be disqualified from receiving Promise benefits, as determined by their Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).

Please make sure to meet with a counselor, with the Promise Coaches, and communicate with your instructors on a regular basis. They can help you avoid any academic pitfalls.

If I take a semester off or enroll in less than 12 units, can that extend my two years to a future term?

The North Orange Promise Fee Waiver requires students to begin their first semester full-time with 12 or more units*. The North Orange Promise Program does not allow gap semesters, meaning you must be at least part-time to remain eligible for Promise Program in future semesters.

Students will be responsible for fees during semesters with part-time units. Please contact the Promise Program before taking part time units to discuss your options and Promise Eligibility. 

*If you are receiving DSS Services (Disability Support Services), you may be able to enroll in less than 12 units as determined by a DSS counselor.

*CE students who do not start the semester with all 12 units, but accumulate 12+ units throughout the semester are eligible.