SDSI Mission
The Student Diversity Success Initiative (SDSI) is a support program that aims to improve the overall educational experiences of traditionally underrepresented students at Fullerton College. As participating members of SDSI, students gain access to a variety of resources and services such as one-on-one SDSI Coaching, Counseling appointments, and Academic support.
Book & Laptop Loans
Academic Counseling
SDSI Coach Meetings
and more!

Ready to join the SDSI family?
We are so excited to welcome you!
Please complete the SDSI intake form for us to learn about you and your educational journey. There are no requirements to join the SDSI program.
The SDSI team will reach out to you after we receive your intake!
Need assistance? Email sdsi@fullcoll.edu
Join the SDSI Canvas
Already part of our SDSI family?
Join our Canvas!
The SDSI Canvas page is designed to help you stay up to date with important information, scholarships, announcements and more!